
Star Wars Celebration 2020 Cancelled by Reed Pop

Convention now to be held in Anaheim in 2022

By Arnie C

Star Wars Celebration 2020, scheduled for this August in Anaheim, CA, has now been officially cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and California’s strict reopening plan.

This was mostly anticipated by planned attendees due to the pandemic’s hindering of international travel and discouragement of large gatherings. This announcement follows a large series of similar cancellations, including San Diego Comic-Con (the largest of all the fan events).

Many of these cancelled events, including Wizard World conventions and San Diego Comic-Con have switched to online “conventions” where celebrities present panels, can briefly interact with fans (for a fee), and will autograph mailed-in items. Celebration, however, is fully cancelling and not attempting these experimental internet offerings.

Ticket holders for the mostly sold-out fan convention have the option to transfer their tickets to the 2022 event, or to receive a refund through a web portal that will open June 22. Refund requests must be submitted by August 26.

Any hotel reservations made through the Celebration site will be automatically cancelled.

Merchandise planned for sale in the Celebration Store will be sold online. Those who have pre-ordered items may get a refund, credit good for the online sale or at the 2022 convention, or choose to still get their ordered memorabilia.

Immediate fan reaction on the Star Wars Action News social media sites has mostly expressed relief, many saying they weren’t ready to risk exposure to COVID-19 that the large international crowds would bring. The previous Star Wars Celebrations have been at convention center capacity creating a sea of people shoulder-to-shoulder, crammed together. The desire to get in line for panels and exclusives and the large crowds would make social distancing impossible.

Full details of the event cancellation can be found on the Star Wars Celebration site.

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